Section | About Sections
Today, I was asked, "What is a section?" So I'd like to explain what a section is, which is a very important part of TsuUMIKI's products.
I would like to talk about...
To put it in a very simple and digestible way, a "section" on a web page is like a "chapter" or a "paragraph" in a larger book.
*If we talk strictly, it is slightly different.
Paragraphs exist as "<p></p>".
A web page contains a lot of information, but to organize it in an easy-to-understand way, it is divided into several major sections.
For example, say a web page has a "home page".
The home page is divided into the following sections:
01. Header section: Located at the top of the page, it contains the site name and menu.
02. Main section: This is where the main content of the page is written. For example, the latest news, blog posts, etc.
03. Sidebar Section: This is the small area on the side of the page where additional information or links are placed.
04. Footer section: Located at the bottom of the page, this section contains contact information and copyright information.
Here's an image of the layout of the various parts of a web page from a while ago:
The pink boxes are sections.
Each section is used to present different information in a clear and organized way, making it easy for your viewers to find what they're looking for.
Here's how websites look these days:
The green part makes a beautiful image, and you've probably seen something arranged like this before.
The pink boxes are sections.
In Shopify, the contents are called "Blocks."
More on blocks later.
TsUMIKI sells this "section".
Selling sections of a website instead of the entire website makes it much more customizable and user-friendly.
A website is completed by stacking sections of different designs like blocks.
If you don't like it, you can just remove the sections you don't need, and you can reuse your favorite sections.
Of course, there are detailed logic aspects that are necessary to make the overall design work, so you need to take that into consideration when putting it together, but it will be much easier to use.
Today, we talked about "sections," an important part of the products we handle at TsuUMIKI.
Next I would like to talk about blocks.
At TsUMIKI, we welcome your comments and questions such as "What would you like us to write?" and "What is this?", as well as "It would be nice to have a design like this!".
Please feel free to contact us.
Have a fun design life!